So in May 2009 I had my life change.  I was a huge fan of the show Paranormal State which also hosted field trips with them to some of the locals they have been to.  This particular one was at a place called ECETI in Trout Lake, WA.  It was aired as a UFO ranch.  A hot spot for people to see objects in the sky.  Looked like fun and I have always felt connected to the UFO's.  Always knowing they were here for a higher purpose and not to...and pardon the term "probe us".  At first I was thinking to myself "Oh to far no time, not enough money" then this feeling hit me.  I was in Vancouver BC, and WA was right next to us!!  And actually I DID have the money AND the time.  What was stopping me?  I got excited bought my ticket and planned for the trip.  When the Universe wants you to do something it will tell you and show you signs no matter what.  So what happened?  Well originally I was just going to meet my friends I had made over the net on the PRS forum boards and, meet the cast of PRS and watch the sky.  So funny how we go into something thinking one thing and leave completely and I mean COMPLETELY changed. 
We got to the ranch late that night and it was cold and we were tired so we tried to put up our tent in the dark lol.  I was so bad at it I was demoted to light girl (hold the flashlight) and even then I couldn’t do that right because I couldn’t stop looking up.  This was my first experience with the UFO's because at first I saw a satellite.  And then as the satellite stopped and moved backwards in the opposite direction I knew it was no longer that.  Then it moved to the left and I squealed with excitement and then I dropped the flashlight.  My friends groaned and laughed and we finally got the tent up.  I remember seeing Mount Adams in the darkness and feeling its energy pulsing and went to sleep.  I’d seen my first UFO in the sky and I slept on the ground like a baby.  Woke up the next day, my friend Chelle and I opened the tent and both got hit with the energy of the place and the vibrancy of the colors of the trees and fields.  Not a skyscraper, not a city building in sight.  Mount Adams gleaming with snow on it in all its glory.  We started walking towards the showers and there was a lovely pond, some buildings, James's home.  All so magical.  I am not exaggerating it was MAGICAL.  I met James briefly and he was a warm and kind man with a gentle nature.  Later I met a nice fellow named Patrick who worked at ECETI and every time we stood near each other we kept feeling strong pulsating energy.  I said nothing.  20 minutes later he looks at me and says "Do you feel that energy going between us??" My jaw dropped.  I KNEW it hadn’t been my imagination.  We talked more and I explained I had always been sensitive to energy my entire life.  He excused himself and came back a few minutes later and asked if I would come with him.  He took me to James's home and inside was James sitting on his couch greeting me with a big welcoming smile.  So we proceeded to do a table tipping session.  For those who have never experience this it is a form on divination.  It requires a man on one side of the table and a woman on the other to balance male and female energy.  Spirits and higher beings use it to communicate by tipping the table to answer questions and so forth.  There are other uses for it best to Google it and its history.  We used this to see if we could discover mine and Patrick's energy connection.  James tipped with another girl who was attending the event and Patrick and I sat opposite each other.  It was a wild experience.  Cazekiel came through who is James spirit guide.  James told me to invite Cazekiel in if I wanted.  I said ok.  It was the strongest feeling of pure love I have ever felt.  My body felt light and I could sense and feel multitudes of colors around me.  After awhile the table stopped tipping and we sat and chatted.  James informed me I was connected to the elementals.  Which is amazing because once I had been told I was a reincarnated fairy and in this life I have been draw to the elementals all my life.  James said my energy is strong.  Let me say this about James.  I’ve met some people who claim to be "gurus" and "teachers" not only is James all of these things yet none of these things.  He is the most genuine down to earth and real person you will ever meet.  He is funny, smart, tuned in and caring.  He kept pretending to get zapped by my energy.  So later he comes up to me and says "I’m going to need you for something later" I was a little puzzled, but excited.  Later I was talking with a favorite author of mine who was with PRS when one of the ECETI people said James needed to talk to her.  This reminded me that James had told me he needed me so I thought I would check in and ask him.  He smiled and said head up into the pyramid room, which is where Michelle Belanger my favorite author was headed.  Turns out he required my energy for another table tipping session YAY!!!  The evening was followed with fun, meeting new people and sky watching. 
The next day we listened to lectures and hung out and had a great time.  This was such a spiritual place, the energy of the place, and the enlightenment about the truth about ET's that I had always believed was right here in front of me.  I was in HEAVEN!!  I was meeting other people who volunteered at the ranch and were like me, shared my beliefs about spirituality, about 2012, about everything.  It made me think back to when I got hit with the understanding that I NEEDED to come to this event.  The land was practically calling me.  That day someone who volunteered at the ranch said "You should sign up for our Kunlun class" I'd heard this word being said by a few others.  I kept messing the word up and saying Kundalun lol.  Whoops.  So I went into a room where Himalayan salt rock lamps were lit, some light incense was burning and soft wind pipe music was playing and sat down.  We did some basic clearing meditations and then went into our Kunlun meditation.  This is where I went WOW.  Never ever will I be able to view the world the same again.  How do I describe it?  Imagine the best feeling you ever felt. Imagine something that made you so happy you cried.  Now times that by 1,000,000,000.  That’s what it feels like.  Your body begins to move in motions you are not causing.  You are feeling old past issues and blockages being cleared out of you.  Sometimes the facilitators would come by and place their hands on particularly blocked spots.  This had a wild sensation.  For me it felt like when I get a deep tissue massage, so relaxing but all they were doing was placing their hands on my.  I shouldn’t say all they were doing.  What they were doing was plenty. 
Afterwards I felt giddy and relaxed and cleared.  It was AWESOME.  I ate dinner later that night and found I was only drawn to fresh foods like the salad and fruit they had put out.  None of the cooked stuff appealed I wanted clean and living food. 
James had left to do an interview in Portland and had returned while my friend and I had been walking around the property.  He spotted us and came walking towards my friend and I.  He opened his arms and hugged us saying "I love to hug the ones I know are coming back" This made me happy. 

Sky watches time.  I went into a back field (later when I read the handout that came with our event package I realized I probably wasn’t suppose to be back there...OOPS!  Good thing I did though).  We stood in the field and looked at the sky.  Aside from waiting for something to appear and I KNEW something would, the stars were stunning.  The people I was with did not seem interested in sky watching but instead were just being silly.  I didn’t care for this.  At one point they were talking amongst themselves and I felt this need to look up in a certain direction.  Suddenly out of nowhere a ball of glowing orange appeared and swiveled across the sky with a fiery trail.  This was NOT a shooting star.  First off, I’ve seen a shooting star.  I have also never seen one that big, orange and with a flight pattern that swiveled and seemed intelligent.  I knew in my core being this was a ship and that I had been sent a message to see them go by.  Everyone in my group saw the tail end and had realized I had seen the whole thing.  I told them what I saw and they were astonished.  I went back to where everyone was and told them what I had seen.  It was met by some with excitement, some with skepticism and disbelief and others wishing they had seen it.  I sat the rest of the night by the fire beside James who had brought some drums out and a flute he was playing.  He sat there playing his flute, smiling and chuckling.  Just a simple man who understands what is going on in this world and has opened up ECETI so others could experience the ships and the teachings of the ascended masters.  Not charging thousands of dollars for even ten minutes of his time for a regurgitated message that so many others try to pass off as their own wisdom but a man who is real and fun and open to sharing what he knows and helping us discover our own divine self. 
The next day was the last day.  I was disappointed.  I probably would have moved there if I was able to :)  I took pictures and I talked with fellow friends about the event.  I knew I had been changed forever by this place.  Starting off as a field trip but turning out to be a divine reason as to why I was there.  To discover Kunlun, to feel the energy, to see the ships and make contact.  All amazing and powerful.  I believe that a lot of people are so called "skeptical" of ECETI for one reason and one reason alone.  FEAR.  Fear of tapping into their true selves, fear of accepting that the 3D world the OLD world is coming to an end.  That we are God and we are divine and we create the world around us and we are all love.  People who are obsessed with wealth, power, and possessions do not want to know this.  They still want to believe that aliens are these horrible creatures coming to destroy our world and turn us into slaves or fertilizer (isn’t that what happened in war of the worlds?).  It’s easier for them to live in this world than to accept the shifts going on.

James was led to this place he has spent 25 years building for those who are like minded and those who want to learn more.  He is a true lightworker and now people are trying to take this away from him and it must not happen.  This is just another example of how as we reach 2012 the dark entities are trying to stifle us so we do not reach any true awareness of our new world.  They want us suppressed and they are using their "legal avenues" to try and take this away not only from James but from us as well.  Freedom of speech, freedom to practice whatever spiritual beliefs one chooses.  These are BASIC RIGHTS that are being stripped from James and all who love to visit ECETI, and it must not happen.  So now is the time to come together in a time when community and group consciousness is needed.  He needs to raise money for the legal fees.   We can always spare even a little bit, even if it means not grabbing that coffee from Starbucks.  Every little bit helps.  With enough people $15,000 can be reached.  We are out there and we can help!  Please go to to learn more and spread the word worldwide.  Thank you so much for taking this time to read this entry <3

Also check out to find out more about ECETI and James and the wonderful place where love and contact with ET’s take place J

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    MtnLioness said...

    Thanks so much for sharing your incredible experience at Jame's ranch. Truly inspiring! :-) We live in Spokane, WA, which is around 5 hours east of there. My husband and I plan on taking a drive there, and it was so nice to read your of your experience.

    I wasn't aware, I don't think, of him facing problems of losing his ranch. :-(


  1. ... on March 28, 2011 at 1:29 AM